Relaciones & Relatos ( Relations & Tales ), 1994 - Present

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“…The characters in these images, family or an intimate friend, a place, and at times a stranger, transcend themselves as subjects and become metaphors for something else. Relationships and intimacy turn into landscapes just as the places and environments turn into portraits of something felt. The photographic process becomes a process of getting close, of learning and understanding and expressing personal concerns, and out of this search and need an image might be left to anchor the experience. The search for the experience becomes the experience of the present, a constant moment, in which we step out of time to become aware of presences insides and outside of ourselves. These are all photographs of presences.”

Relaciones & Relatos was published as a limited edition book in 2023 by 'CADEMY.
94 pages / 8x10 inch / Perfect bound
Available at